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Hands-On Business

多维数据集 give students valuable experience

When business leaders need advice on overcoming fundamental challenges, they are finding valuable input from a new source: Bridgewater State University students.

Several companies are part of BSU’s new Collaborative University Business Experiences,或立方体. 多维数据集 bring real-world problems into the classroom, allowing students to complete projects for clients. The work complements course curriculum.

“It was nice knowing that the work we were doing was going to benefit a real company,” said 安德里亚翁, ’22, who participated in 多维数据集 in two classes and interned for the initiative. “I was really grateful I was able to do it.”

该倡议, supported by a BSU academic innovation grant, began last year as business faculty sought new ways to prepare students for careers.

其中之一 participating businesses, 我公司, completed two 多维数据集, which allowed students to study what prospective employers sought in a job and analyze current workers’ sense of inclusion and belonging.

“It was a really good opportunity for us to gain some fresh perspectives and insight,” said Shannon Laingen, senior manager of recruiting and staff development at the medical records software company that employs more than 200 BSU alumni. “I personally enjoyed hearing from the students and their enthusiasm and willingness to help us solve a problem.”

Because 多维数据集 are infused in classes, they offer experiential learning without added time commitment. This is particularly important for students working multiple jobs who may struggle to fit in internships, 博士说. Xiangrong刘, an associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing.

“This will give them more opportunities,” said Liu. “Students are improving their communication and problem-solving skills. It’s really helpful for them to launch their careers.”

Business professors hope to see 多维数据集 expand to other colleges. While courses must be adapted to include the project, the results are impressive, they said.

"The outcome is more than a grade,” 博士说. Stephanie Jacobsen, an assistant professor of management and marketing. “It increases the stakes a little bit, but that increases student buy-in. Students are far more engaged.”

安德里亚, who helped devise a virtual Mad Libs-like game for event producer Interactive Entertainment Group, appreciated having this opportunity as a student.

“It wasn’t like you were going to get fired,” said the marketing major from Quincy. “You got to practice things and have the experience.”

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